Basic Education Instructor
I graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison with degrees in both English Literature and in Philosophy in 2008 where I developed a love for British Literature and Ethics. After college, I moved to small town Tennessee where I soon realized the disparities in the education system. With a family full of teachers and a dream of paving my own way, I thought I had different plans for myself. However, I ultimately learned that education was the passion I needed to pursue. Shortly after, I began a post-baccalaureate program at Lincoln Memorial University and trained to teach English for 7-12th graders and continued on with a Master’s Degree in Education focusing on Curriculum and Instruction through the same institution. I’ve had several education positions over the years, but began teaching way back in high school when I taught Sunday school to 3 year olds. Since then I’ve taught many different ages and in different settings, but prefer to work with youth. Their unique ability to speak their voices drives me to learn more from them and guides me to empower the next generation. I truly believe that every youth has an important story to share and a voice that needs to be heard.
Favorite Quote: “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.”
Email me at [email protected]